I'm writing to reply to the letter "horses are a sad sight".

I used to work for the landaus doing what they call "change horse" which is swapping the horses over during the day.

As for Ms Page saying they have a painfully boring job and the landaus shouldn't be on the promenade is absolutely ridiculous, alot of the horses enjoy their job.

The difference between riding them and being on the cab is huge.

As soon as you see them all harnessed up and ready to go they are certainly ready, they can't wait to get going.

The horses get plenty of rest breaks as well as being swapped over during the day and the owners carry food, water and buckets with them.

But if Ms Page knew anything about horses she would know they are not allowed to drink very much at all while in work or hot as this will give them colic which is really dangerous and sometimes life threatening.

They also have different types of rugs with them to stop them getting wet or a chill.

These horses do get looked after, some better than others which I will say.

Landaus should be on the prom, why shouldn't they?. Horses have the right to be there.

Horses were the first mode of transport, people's cars are measured in "horse power", drivers and people today should remember this.

I do think however they should have their own lane away from the cars and wagons as the drivers do not take any care when passing the horses, alot of the time it is drivers that cause the accidents going too fast too close and cutting people up.

If the horses had their own lane that lane could be cleaned easily.

Miss L Howard on email