SIR, I find the news about the total destruction of K Shoes utterly shameful. From the moment Clarks's greedy eyes fell on K Shoes, the writing was on the wall as to what would happen. When the last cuts were made, one of Clarks top brass told me in response to my letter, they were having to send work abroad to cut their costs.

What an utterly disgraceful admission! In other words, they are quite happy to exploit cheap labour.

However, on the principle that it is an ill-wind that blows no-one any good - does this now mean we will reap the benefit by finding the price of shoes in the shops will drop, since their costs are now lower? Also, does this mean the proposed business park planned for the Oxenholme Triangle' will not now be built as there will now be a vast area vacated by K Shoes?

Rena Blight


January 16, 2003 15:30