A CHEERFUL workplace, where music was played, and people were often singing, was how Jonathan Somervell remembered his time at K Shoes.

At its peak in the mid-1960s, the firm employed more than 2,000 people in Kendal, which was 20 per cent of the working population of the town.

Mr Somervell, who himself worked for the firm for 21 years, is a member of the original founding family.

Robert Somervell founded his business in 1842, and shoemaking began in 1849. Robert was later joined by his brother, John, who was Jonathan Somervell's great grandfather. The pair first became Somervell Brothers and later K Shoes.

The K, for Kendal, letter was first used in 1865 to guarantee the quality of the company's products.

Mr Somervell, of Crook, has fond memories of his time: "When you walked into a department there was always a cheerful feeling, and as likely as not people would be singing. We did have music played twice a day that started in the war with Workers' Playtime.

"There was always a wonderful atmosphere of banter going on among the workers it was a happy place.

"This is such a sad day for the people of Kendal and the town. We have all known that it was coming really but that doesn't make it any easier to accept.

"When you think of the generations of skills and craftsmanship and loyalty and dedication of all the Kendal families over the years which produced shoes known and respected for their top quality throughout the world, that's now all coming to an end and that's just so sad."

Kelvin Alderson, who is the KFAT union steward for the renovation service and repair factory at Kendal, has 38 years service, having started when he was 16.

"You had to work hard but it had a good atmosphere," he said.

When asked how the firm compared today he said: "It just doesn't."

January 17, 2003 10:00