CITIZENS Advice Bureaux experts are aiming to help farmers facing hardship after the foot-and-mouth crisis by taking assistance to them.

Funding from the Cumbria Community Recovery Fund and the Northern Rock Foundation is paying for initiatives including a drop-in advice session at the NFU offices opposite Kendal Auction Mart.

Specialist advice will be available to individuals and small business owners whose finances have been affected.

Rural development worker Rachel Toyn said: "The demand for advice on employment, debt and welfare benefits has risen significantly as a result of foot-and-mouth but a major concern of Citizens Advice is that, for many, the financial consequences of the crisis are a long way from being resolved."

Farmers who had missed out on foot-and-mouth compensation were thought to be particularly vulnerable: "We are still regularly getting clients who are suffering and it's all traced back to foot-and-mouth. Often with money problems you can delay it for a year or two then it finally gets on top of you."

The drop-ins will be held at the NFU offices in Appleby Road on Mondays from 10am to 3pm from next Monday to March 10. The free advice available will cover issues including debt, employment, welfare benefits, housing, consumer rights and legal, family and relationship questions. People unable to attend can contact advisers on 015394-46464 or 01229-585585.

February 14, 2003 10:00