LAKE District planners are recommended to make a U-turn over plans to redevelop the water-ski centre at the Low Wood Hotel, overlooking Windermere, next week.

English Lakes Hotels wishes to create "a multi-function building" on the site of the lakeshore ski centre, as part of its response to the impending 10mph speed limit on Windermere.

The Lake District National Park Authority's development control committee wished to refuse the plans at its last meeting, saying they were "inappropriate development" of the lakeshore, and they would generate extra traffic. However, they are being asked to reconsider the plans on Tuesday.

Officers are recommending the plans should get the go-ahead, providing a legal undertaking is given to restrict the uses of the building, and a condition is imposed to prevent it being run independently as a restaurant, nightclub or casino. Conditions about landscaping the lakeshore with shrubs and trees have also been put forward.

Officers say significant weight' should be attached to the effect of the 10mph speed limit on the business. They conclude the new building would not significantly prejudice' the aims of policies which seek to protect the undeveloped character of lakeshores and their oppor-tunities for quiet enjoyment.

See Business News and Features for more developments.

May 1, 2003 14:30