A survey conducted by the Honey Association into honey and health reveals that the North West is a region full of health enthusiasts. Of the 1500 people surveyed, 81% of the respondents from the North West said they were more concerned about their health than their appearance.

The survey, commissioned for the seventh National Honey Week (13-19 February), also reveals that, in the battle of the sexes, UK women are twice as likely as men to worry about their appearance over their health.

Brian Butcher, Chairman of the Honey Association said: "Honey has a wide range of health benefits, so we commissioned this research to get a better understanding of whether people associate honey with good health. Over half of those questioned said that they would consider using honey as part of a healthy eating plan * including over 50% of people from North West, which is great news for us. We also used it as an opportunity to ask consumers about their general attitudes to health and generated some interesting results."

If you're keen to create some healthy honey recipes this Valentine's Day, look no further. Well known nutritionist and honey lover, Anita Bean has developed a healthy and nutritionally balanced seven day eating plan * based on the GI index2. The eating plan allows followers to enjoy the delicious taste of honey while benefitting from its many health and energy giving properties.

General Summary Analysis of the Honey Association's Survey: As a nation we are more concerned with feeling good than looking good..

83% of us would rather feel good while only 17% are more concerned with their appearance...

62% of 16 - 24 year olds are more concerned with feeling good rather than looking good...

Women are twice as likely to worry about their appearance than men (20% v. 9%)...

Respondents from Scotland (89.3%), South East (87.8%) and Wales (87.6%) were the most concerned about their health...

Over half of the respondents (53%) questioned would consider using honey as part of a healthy eating plan...