I WOULD like, through the Citizen, to ask Cllr Janice Hanson for the answers to several questions.

1 Does she know the difference between traffic calming and congestion?

On the stretch of Morecambe Road by the new lights we have a bus stop where the road has been narrowed, a pelican crossing and another bus stop within a couple of hundred metres - all causing frustration not calming.

2 When housing developments are sought does anyone ever consider the extra traffic generated?

Heysham Head is now given over to houses, as are fields at Kingsway, Moss-gate Park, Saxon Heights and Windermere Park - - all putting more and more traffic onto Morecambe Road so that we have virtual gridlock.

3 Why was the community review committee asked to consider taxis using bus lanes when the Cabinet would have to agree to any recommendations?

It seems to me the Labour members had already made their decision to say no before the meeting.

4 Why was a petition with more than 1,000 names on it supporting taxis using bus lanes not considered?

It would have been polite to at least acknowledge it rather than tossing it aside like a dirty tissue.

The city's transport task group says we need to encourage people to leave cars at home and use public transport, cycle or walk. Is this not a case of Do as we say, not as we do' by the many councillors who are regular car users.

One last point. If aliens abducted all the private cars so that no-one was buying fuel how would the Government recoup the money it lost in fuel tax, road tax, fines and so on?

Let's face it, the motorist is a cash-generating machine for the Govern-ment and police.

Malcolm Spence, Torrisholme.