KEEPERS at the World Owl Trust at Muncaster Castle are inviting visitors to choose a name for one of their rising stars.

The six-week-old European eagle owl is in training to become the star attraction of the World Owl Trust's weekly Meet the Birds' display.

The baby bird is being hand reared by staff at the World Owl Centre and is growing fast. Adult European eagle owls can grow up to 75 centimetres in height and weigh as much as four kilograms, making them the world's biggest owls.

The young owl was hatched at Furness Owls in Barrow in early April, and was recently handed over to the World Owl Trust to begin his journey to fame. The World Owl Trust has taken on a big responsibility in becoming his guardian - eagle owls can live up to 45 years.

Visitors will be able to post their suggested name into a special box at the World Owl Centre at Muncaster. Staff at the World Owl Trust will then go through all the entries to choose the best name.

As well as choosing the owl's name, the winner will get the chance to be an owl keeper for half a day, when they will be able to fly an owl during one of the Meet the Bird' events. They will also become an official sponsor for the owl for a year.

Entries must be posted with contact details in the special box at Muncaster Castle by Friday, June 1, 2007. The winner will be notified by post.