HIDDEN down a Kendal side street is what could soon become the answer to every vinyl junky's prayers.

Inspired by a trip to the West coast of America, 28-year-old Karen Trimingham decided it was "now or never" and put into action the plan for her second-hand music shop Circa Records.

"I'd been thinking about it for about three years. I'd been working at MVC and I saw there was a gap in the market. I'd been collecting second-hand music for a couple of years while I was saving up and looking for the right premises," she explained.

But it was only when she and her partner Jim Tyson bass player in Kendal band Seven Seals were travelling across America that her mum called to say the perfect premises had come up for grabs on Yard 39.

"We came back from America inspired. Especially after going to California there are more independent music shops than there are big chains. We just wanted to get started straight away," she enthused.

And so, armed with a Prince's Trust grant and bags of enthusiasm, she opened up Circa Records.

The couple, who have now given Kendal back its own independent music shop, want people to bring in used vinyl and CDs that they will then sell on a commission basis.

In the compact candy-striped shop where Elvis sits snugly with The Smiths, Circa has attracted an equally eclectic crowd.

"We've had a lot of kids in here but older people have been in too a real mix," said Jim. "We've also had some really good feedback especially from young people. A lot of them are buying vinyl because they've grown up without it so it's a big deal to them."

Specialising in rock, pop and indie, the shop is lined with second-hand CDs and records as well as a small section for new releases and a compact selection of books. Importantly, Circa also has a section dedicated to the local music scene. "The local band scene is really thriving at the moment. It really hasn't felt as vibrant as this ever. A lot of groups are doing their own material and we want to help by selling their CDs, T-shirts or even tickets for their concerts," said Jim. Summing up Circa, Karen said: "It's just somewhere people can come for something different that's our aim."

Circa Records is on Yard 39 off Highgate - and also sells tickets for Millennium Travel concerts. For more details, call 01539-736100.