AMBLESIDE'S Armitt Gallery, Museum and Library has declared an amnesty on the return of any of its books which have found their way into local homes and private collections, reports Jane Renouf.

Some families may not even be aware that there are Armitt volumes in their possession gathering dust - so the Armitt is asking local people to turn back the pages of history, search through their bookshelves and return anything with an Armitt bookplate, Ambleside Ruskin Library bookplate, or Armitt stamp.

The Armitt has been housed in various places during the past century, including a period at Orchard House when there was little check on the identity of many readers who loved to drop in and browse the books amidst comfortable armchairs or by the welcoming fire.

The library was intended for use by subscribers and was also available to Charlotte Mason College students and although the books were for reference use only, a number were taken out, never returned and disappeared.

The library's collection, which now numbers 11,000 books, includes volumes on history and topography, early guide books, maps, documents, natural history, English literature, journals and periodicals.

"The longer a book goes missing, the more embarrassing it can be for someone to return it, but not in this case," the Armitt's Curator Michelle Kelly said. "We might be talking half a century ago - but it doesn't matter how long ago books were borrowed, who took them, who kept them or where they've been since - we'd just like them back! This is a genuine amnesty and however valuable or rare the book, there won't be any questions asked."

People can hand them in over the shop counter at the Armitt, or post them back to The Armitt at Rydal Road, Ambleside LA22 9BL, or phone with any information on (015394) 31212. Alternatively, books can be returned during the Armitt's next fund-raising Coffee, Cakes and Curios morning at the Kelsick Centre, St Mary's Lane, Ambleside, on Wednesday August 4, where there will be a large box in the entrance for books to be left anonymously.